Now available for the first time in English, with 10 new poems.
ISBN: 978-1-61976-244-2 (13 digit) Publication Date: 2023 paperback 98 pages |
Forthcoming from Aqueduct Press:
"The book is composed entirely of pantoums, a circular form adapted from traditional Malaysian poetry in which the second and fourth lines of each quatrain are also the first and third of the next. The repetition lends itself to slow developments and cycles, a good choice for the subject matter of death and grief, but also a key element in producing the impression of the book as a graveyard full of moveable headstones. By highlighting the line as a moveable element of composition through a form that repeats and reconfigures whole lines, the pantoums of Numinous Stones construct themselves as things that are as mobile as the lines, placed in their locations in the book with meticulous intention, but also as something that the reader can pick up and move as they read." —Tristan Beiter, Strange Horizons